Conversion Result:
circular mil = 5.06707479097497E-10 meter^2
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "circular mil" to acre, are, barn (abbreviation b), cho (Japanese cho), circular inch, desyatina (Russian desyatina), hectare, homestead, rood, sabin, section (of land), square, township, or any combination of units which equate to "length squared" and represent area, fuel consumption, linear displacement, permeability2, surface area, or volume to length. |
Sample Conversions:
circular mil = 1.25E-13 acre, 5.07E-12 are, 5.07E+18 barn (abbreviation b), 5.11E-14 cho (Japanese cho), .000001 circular inch, 4.64E-14 desyatina (Russian desyatina), 5.07E-14 hectare, 7.83E-16 homestead, 5.01E-13 rood, 5.45E-09 sabin, 1.96E-16 section (of land), 5.45E-11 square, 5.43E-18 township. |
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