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Measurement Converter

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Examples: 5 kilometers, 12 feet/sec^2,
1/5 gallon
, 9.5 Joules, or 0 dF.
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Examples: miles, meters/s^2,
, kilowatt*hours, or dC.
Conversion Result:
centesimal minute =
1.5707963267949E-04 radian
(plane angle)
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "centesimal minute" to arc minute (minute of arc), arc s (second of arc), centesimal second, circle, degree (Pi rad / 180), grade, octant, quadrant, rad (radian), revolution, sextant, sign, turn, or any combination of units which equate to "plane angle" and represent plane angle.
Sample Conversions:
centesimal minute = .54 arc minute (minute of arc), 32.4 arc s (second of arc), 100 centesimal second, .000025 circle, .009 degree (Pi rad / 180), .01 grade, .0002 octant, .0001 quadrant, .00015708 rad (radian), .000025 revolution, .00015 sextant, .0003 sign, .000025 turn.

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