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Measurement Converter

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Examples: 5 kilometers, 12 feet/sec^2,
1/5 gallon
, 9.5 Joules, or 0 dF.
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Examples: miles, meters/s^2,
, kilowatt*hours, or dC.
Conversion Result:
atmosphere = 101325 pressure
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "atm" to atmosphere, bar, barie, barye, in H2O (inches of water), inhg (inches of mercury), mmHg (millimeters of mercury), pascal, pieze, psi (pounds per square inch), torr, or any combination of units which equate to "mass / length time squared" and represent calorific value volume basis, draft, energy density, pressure, radiant energy density, sound pressure, stress, vacuum, or volume basis calorific value.
Sample Conversions:
atm = 1 atmosphere, 1.01 bar, 1,013,250 barie, 1,013,250 barye, 406.78 in H2O (inches of water), 29.92 inhg (inches of mercury), 760 mmHg (millimeters of mercury), 101,325 pascal, 101.33 pieze, 14.7 psi (pounds per square inch), 760 torr.

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