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Types of Missing Information
Codes Used to Represent Missing Information in Other Tables

Abbreviation Long Name Null Type Description
(N/A) (Not Applicable) Value not applicable Value is not applicable to rows of the current type.
(UNK) (Unknown) Value unknown Value is unknown by the computer user or source of information.
(DNE) (Does Not Exist) Value does not exist Value is applicable, but it does not exist.
(N/V) (Not Valid) Value not valid Value supplied by source is invalid within computer system.
(N/S) (Not Supplied) Value not supplied Value was not supplied by the source of the information--"no comment."
(NYC) (Not Yet Classified) Value not yet classified Computer user has not yet chosen or entered the proper value.
(DEF) (Inherit Default Value) Value is inherited Default value is inherited from an above entity.
(DNC) (Do Not Care) Do not care User does not care about the value.
(ALL) (All Values) All instances Value represents all non-missing values within target table.
(A/O) (All Other Values) All other instances Value represents all non-missing and non-specified values within target.
(UWM) (Unknown Why Missing) Unknown why missing Set when data loaded from other computer sources contains blanks.
(U/D) (Undefined) Value undefined Result of some operation is undefined.
(E/S) (Empty Set) Value is the empty set Result of some join operation returned nothing.
(O/U) (Outer Union Result) Outer union type Result of an outer union operation.

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