Conversion Result:
Roman as = 0.3265865064 kilogram
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "as" to assay ton, catty (Chinese catty), cental (British cental), denarius (Roman denarius), doppelzentner, dram ap (apothecary dram), gram, Greek obolos, kwan (Japanese kwan), livre (French livre), long quarter, obol (Greek obol), oz ap (apothecary ounce), oz troy (troy ounce), picul (Chinese picul), pound troy (troy pound), proton mass (proton rest mass), Roman obolus, slug, Spanish libra, or any combination of units which equate to "mass" and represent mass. |
Sample Conversions:
as = 1.97E+26 AMU (atomic mass unit), .00765957 bag, 1.5 bes (Roman bes), .00096 cotton bale Egypt, 84 dram ap (apothecary dram), 3.59E+29 electron mass (electron rest mass), 1,593.1 English carat, .8 funt (Russian funt), 5,040 grain (avoirdupois grain), .54421769 kin (Japanese kin), .66650307 livre (French livre), .00642857 long hundredweight (avoirdupois long hundredweight), .00032659 metric ton, 100,800 mite (English mite), 450 obol (Greek obol), 11.52 oz (ounce), .65317301 pfund (German pfund), .01993908 pood (Russian pood), .875 pound troy (troy pound), .00285714 wey mass. |
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