Conversion Result:
wine bottle = 7.57681398214818E-04 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "wine bottle" to amphora (Greek amphora), balthazar, Canadian gallon, cc (cubic centimeters), cord (of wood), dram fluid (fluid dram), dry gallon, ephah (Israeli ephah), firkin, gallon, last, magnum, methuselah, peck (dry peck), petroleum barrel, rehoboam, sack, seam, strike, tou (Chinese tou), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
wine bottle = .00635423 barrel, .16395942 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .16666661 Canadian gallon, 204.96 dram fluid (fluid dram), 25,256.05 drop, .20015825 gallon, .00026876 last, .00052158 load, .4003165 magnum, 25.62 oz fluid (fluid ounce), .00476567 petroleum barrel, 1.6 pint (fluid pint), .800633 quart (fluid quart), .13343883 rehoboam, .0292629 Roman amphora, .00716706 sack, 51.24 tablespoon, 1.33 UK pint (British pint), .66666639 UK quart (British quart), .00053753 wey. |
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