Conversion Result:
teaspoon = 4.92892159375E-06 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "teaspoon" to acre foot, acre-foot, balthazar, beer gallon (English beer gallon), bushel (dry bushel), coomb, cord (of wood), cord foot (of wood), cup, dry barrel, hekat (Israeli hekat), koku (Japanese koku), minim, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), pony, strike, tou (Chinese tou), UK peck (British peck), vedro (Russian vedro), wey, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
teaspoon = 4.00E-09 acre-foot, .13368056 bath (Israeli bath), .00208876 board foot, 4.93 cc (cubic centimeters), .00002347 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .00000136 cord (of wood), .00001088 cord foot (of wood), .02083333 cup, .00895174 dry pint, .00103361 hekat (Israeli hekat), .00000339 load, .00260417 magnum, .04166667 noggin, .00039219 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), .0012433 omer (Israeli omer), .00043403 salmanazar, .00000517 tun (English tun), .00108421 UK gallon (British gallon), .0005421 UK peck (British peck), .00650527 wine bottle. |
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