Conversion Result:
salmanazar = 0.011356235352 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "salmanazar" to cord (of wood), displacement ton, dry pint, ephah (Israeli ephah), gallon, gill, hekat (Israeli hekat), hogshead, kilderkin, koku (Japanese koku), last, liter, load, methuselah, minim, nebuchadnezzar, pint (fluid pint), tou (Chinese tou), UK peck (British peck), wine bottle, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
salmanazar = 11,356.24 cc (cubic centimeters), .05407091 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .08056566 coomb, .00313314 cord (of wood), 3,072 dram fluid (fluid dram), 378,541.18 drop, 20.62 dry pint, 10.31 dry quart, 96 gill, .00402828 last, .00781758 load, .6 nebuchadnezzar, .07142857 petroleum barrel, 24 pint (fluid pint), 12 quart (fluid quart), .04028283 seam, .40104167 timber foot, 1.09 tou (Chinese tou), .69767442 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), 14.99 wine bottle. |
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