Conversion Result:
pony = 2.2180147171875E-05 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "pony" to acre foot, cord (of wood), cup, drop, dry barrel, dry pint, ephah (Israeli ephah), firkin, freight ton, gallon, gill, jeroboam, kilderkin, omer (Israeli omer), oz fluid (fluid ounce), register ton, strike, tablespoon, teaspoon, UK bushel (British bushel), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
pony = .00018601 barrel, .00015735 coomb, .00000612 cord (of wood), 739.34 drop, .04028283 dry pint, .02014141 dry quart, .02929688 fifth, .00001958 freight ton, .00465126 hekat (Israeli hekat), .0001231 koku (Japanese koku), .00000787 last, .02218015 liter, .00292969 methuselah, .00117188 nebuchadnezzar, .00000783 register ton, .00020981 sack, .00002218 stere, .00031471 strike, .125 tea cup, .00001574 wey. |
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