Conversion Result:
fluid pint = 0.000473176473 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "pint" to acre-foot, barrel, beer gallon (English beer gallon), bushel (dry bushel), cc (cubic centimeters), coomb, cup, dry quart, gill, hogshead, last, load, magnum, omer (Israeli omer), sack, salmanazar, tea cup, timber foot, UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), vedro (Russian vedro), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
pint = .03125 balthazar, .01342761 bushel (dry bushel), .00225295 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .00104438 cord foot (of wood), .00047743 displacement ton, 128 dram fluid (fluid dram), .85936701 dry pint, .01193565 ephah (Israeli ephah), .00198413 hogshead, .15625 jeroboam, .25 magnum, .0625 methuselah, .0376506 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), .11935653 omer (Israeli omer), .5 quart (fluid quart), .00167845 seam, 2.67 tea cup, .01671007 timber foot, .04562044 tou (Chinese tou), .83267413 UK pint (British pint). |
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