Conversion Result:
nebuchadnezzar = 0.01892705892 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "nebuchadnezzar" to acre-foot, amphora (Greek amphora), cc (cubic centimeters), cord (of wood), dram fluid (fluid dram), dry barrel, jeroboam, jigger, methuselah, omer (Israeli omer), oz fluid (fluid ounce), pony, rehoboam, salmanazar, seam, timber foot, UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), UK pint (British pint), UK quart (British quart), wey, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
nebuchadnezzar = .53710438 bushel (dry bushel), 4.16 Canadian gallon, .09011818 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .04177517 cord foot (of wood), 34.37 dry pint, 17.19 dry quart, .55555556 firkin, .01671007 freight ton, .0067138 last, 18.93 liter, 307,200 minim, 160 noggin, .03968254 pipe, 20 quart (fluid quart), .17903479 sack, 1,280 tablespoon, .66840278 timber foot, 33.31 UK pint (British pint), .01342761 wey, 1.16 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba). |
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