Conversion Result:
magnum = 0.001892705892 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "magnum" to board foot, cc (cubic centimeters), chetvert (Russian chetvert), drop, fifth, freight ton, gallon, jeroboam, kilderkin, load, nebuchadnezzar, omer (Israeli omer), quart (fluid quart), rehoboam, sack, tea cup, tun (English tun), UK pint (British pint), UK quart (British quart), vedro (Russian vedro), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
magnum = .00000153 acre foot, .04854369 amphora (Greek amphora), .01587302 barrel, 51.33 bath (Israeli bath), .05371044 bushel (dry bushel), .41633709 Canadian gallon, .01342761 coomb, 512 dram fluid (fluid dram), .4296835 dry gallon, .00793651 hogshead, 42.67 jigger, .0105042 koku (Japanese koku), .00067138 last, .25 methuselah, 4 pint (fluid pint), .00189271 stere, 128 tablespoon, .41633707 UK gallon (British gallon), 66.61 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), .00134276 wey. |
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