Conversion Result:
magnum = 0.001892705892 meter^3
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "magnum" to balthazar, Canadian gallon, cc (cubic centimeters), cord foot (of wood), cup, gill, hekat (Israeli hekat), jigger, liter, minim, noggin, oz fluid (fluid ounce), pipe, Roman amphora, stere, strike, tablespoon, tou (Chinese tou), wey, wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
magnum = .00000153 acre-foot, .80208333 board foot, .00190972 displacement ton, 512 dram fluid (fluid dram), 1.72 dry quart, .5 gallon, .39690722 hekat (Israeli hekat), .625 jeroboam, 1.89 liter, .00130293 load, 16 noggin, .16666667 salmanazar, .00189271 stere, .18248175 tou (Chinese tou), .00198413 tun (English tun), .41633707 UK gallon (British gallon), .20816812 UK peck (British peck), 3.33 UK pint (British pint), .00134276 wey, .11627907 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba). |
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