Conversion Result:
jeroboam = 0.0030283294272 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "jeroboam" to amphora (Greek amphora), bath (Israeli bath), bushel (dry bushel), cc (cubic centimeters), cup, dry barrel, dry gallon, dry quart, ephah (Israeli ephah), firkin, last, liter, nebuchadnezzar, noggin, oz fluid (fluid ounce), peck (dry peck), pint (fluid pint), register ton, seam, vedro (Russian vedro), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
jeroboam = .0776699 amphora (Greek amphora), 82.13 bath (Israeli bath), .65531915 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .0008355 cord (of wood), .00668403 cord foot (of wood), 819.2 dram fluid (fluid dram), .07638818 ephah (Israeli ephah), 4 fifth, .08888889 firkin, .8 gallon, .63505155 hekat (Israeli hekat), 68.27 jigger, .16 nebuchadnezzar, 102.4 oz fluid (fluid ounce), 3.2 quart (fluid quart), .02864557 sack, .26666667 salmanazar, .00302833 stere, .00214842 wey, .18604651 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba). |
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