Conversion Result:
jeroboam = 0.0030283294272 meter^3
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "jeroboam" to barrel, bath (Israeli bath), beer gallon (English beer gallon), bushel (dry bushel), chetvert (Russian chetvert), cord foot (of wood), dry pint, ephah (Israeli ephah), noggin, omer (Israeli omer), pint (fluid pint), pony, Roman amphora, sack, seam, tea cup, UK bushel (British bushel), UK peck (British peck), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), wine bottle, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
jeroboam = .00000246 acre foot, .02539683 barrel, .65531915 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .0859367 bushel (dry bushel), .66613935 Canadian gallon, 100,944.31 drop, .07638818 ephah (Israeli ephah), 4 fifth, .00267361 freight ton, 49,152 minim, .24096386 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), .01904762 petroleum barrel, 6.4 pint (fluid pint), .00634921 pipe, 136.53 pony, .11695906 Roman amphora, .00302833 stere, .04296835 strike, 5.33 UK pint (British pint), 2.66 UK quart (British quart). |
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