Conversion Result:
frigorie = 4186.8 joule
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "frigorie" to bev (billion electric volts), BTU (International Table BTU), calorie (International Table calorie), EEC therm (European Economic Community therm), electron volt, erg, joule, rydberg, therm, thermie, thermochemical calorie, Wh (watt hour), or any combination of units which equate to "mass length squared / time squared" and represent acoustical energy, bending moment, energy, heat, impact energy, moment of force, quantity of heat, radiant energy, surface energy, torque, or work. |
Sample Conversions:
frigorie = 26,131,704,464,578.1 bev (billion electric volts), 3.97 BTU (International Table BTU), 1,000 calorie (International Table calorie), .00003968 EEC therm (European Economic Community therm), 2.61E+22 electron volt, 41,868,000,000 erg, 4,186.8 joule, 1.92E+22 rydberg, .00003968 therm, .001 thermie, 1,000.67 thermochemical calorie, 1.16 Wh (watt hour). |
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