Conversion Result:
fifth = 0.0007570823568 meter^3
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "fifth" to bath (Israeli bath), displacement ton, dry gallon, dry pint, jeroboam, jigger, kilderkin, koku (Japanese koku), methuselah, noggin, omer (Israeli omer), peck (dry peck), Roman amphora, sack, strike, tea cup, teaspoon, UK peck (British peck), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), wine bottle, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
fifth = .05 balthazar, .16382979 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .32083333 board foot, 757.08 cc (cubic centimeters), .00167101 cord foot (of wood), 25,236.08 drop, .02222222 firkin, .0006684 freight ton, .2 gallon, .1 methuselah, .0015873 pipe, .00026736 register ton, .13333333 rehoboam, .02923977 Roman amphora, .00716139 sack, .00268552 seam, .02673611 timber foot, .02081681 UK bushel (British bushel), .16653483 UK gallon (British gallon), 26.65 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce). |
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