Conversion Result:
dry quart = 0.001101220942715 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "dry quart" to acre foot, balthazar, board foot, cc (cubic centimeters), chetvert (Russian chetvert), displacement ton, dry barrel, dry gallon, load, magnum, methuselah, minim, nebuchadnezzar, noggin, peck (dry peck), quart (fluid quart), Roman amphora, teaspoon, UK peck (British peck), UK quart (British quart), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
dry quart = .02824386 amphora (Greek amphora), .23830009 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .0078125 coomb, 4.65 cup, .00111112 displacement ton, .0095239 dry barrel, .03232353 firkin, .00461765 hogshead, .00039063 last, 1.1 liter, .00075808 load, .58182359 magnum, 17,873.62 minim, 9.31 noggin, .00692647 petroleum barrel, 1.16 quart (fluid quart), .04253096 Roman amphora, 38.76 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), .96893891 UK quart (British quart), .00078125 wey. |
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