Conversion Result:
dry pint = 5.506104713575E-04 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "dry pint" to acre foot, balthazar, board foot, chetvert (Russian chetvert), cup, dram fluid (fluid dram), dry quart, ephah (Israeli ephah), firkin, gill, kilderkin, last, methuselah, peck (dry peck), pint (fluid pint), quart (fluid quart), sack, tea cup, UK gallon (British gallon), UK pint (British pint), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
dry pint = 4.46E-07 acre-foot, 14.93 bath (Israeli bath), .2333355 board foot, .12111737 Canadian gallon, 148.95 dram fluid (fluid dram), 18,353.68 drop, .00048612 freight ton, .1454559 gallon, .11546499 hekat (Israeli hekat), 12.41 jigger, .00037904 load, .02909118 nebuchadnezzar, .0625 peck (dry peck), .00019445 register ton, .02126548 Roman amphora, .00195313 seam, 3.1 tea cup, .01944463 timber foot, .06055856 UK peck (British peck), .96893891 UK pint (British pint). |
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