Conversion Result:
dry gallon = 0.00440488377086 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "dry gallon" to acre foot, balthazar, cc (cubic centimeters), chetvert (Russian chetvert), cup, freight ton, gill, hogshead, jeroboam, jigger, kilderkin, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), omer (Israeli omer), oz fluid (fluid ounce), quart (fluid quart), seam, tou (Chinese tou), tun (English tun), UK pint (British pint), UK quart (British quart), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
dry gallon = .00000357 acre-foot, .2909118 balthazar, .95320035 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .96893897 Canadian gallon, 4,404.88 cc (cubic centimeters), .02097315 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .03125 coomb, 18.62 cup, 4 dry quart, 5.82 fifth, .00388893 freight ton, .0030323 load, 37.24 noggin, 148.95 oz fluid (fluid ounce), .77576479 rehoboam, .0625 strike, .42468875 tou (Chinese tou), .12111712 UK bushel (British bushel), 155.03 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), 7.75 UK pint (British pint). |
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