Conversion Result:
cubic centimeters = 0.000001 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "cc" to acre foot, board foot, cord (of wood), displacement ton, dram fluid (fluid dram), drop, fifth, gill, methuselah, minim, noggin, peck (dry peck), pint (fluid pint), pipe, salmanazar, strike, teaspoon, timber foot, tun (English tun), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
cc = .02712166 bath (Israeli bath), .00000709 coomb, .00422675 cup, .00181617 dry pint, .00002935 firkin, .00026417 gallon, .00000555 koku (Japanese koku), 6.88E-07 load, .00000629 petroleum barrel, .04508536 pony, 3.53E-07 register ton, .00017611 rehoboam, .00000355 seam, .00563567 tea cup, .20288414 teaspoon, .00009641 tou (Chinese tou), .00021997 UK gallon (British gallon), .03519508 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), .00175975 UK pint (British pint), .00008128 vedro (Russian vedro). |
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