Conversion Result:
British quart = 1.1365225704987E-03 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK quart" to Canadian gallon, chetvert (Russian chetvert), coomb, cord (of wood), dram fluid (fluid dram), dry gallon, gill, hekat (Israeli hekat), jigger, liter, nebuchadnezzar, quart (fluid quart), Roman amphora, salmanazar, tea cup, UK bushel (British bushel), UK gallon (British gallon), UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), vedro (Russian vedro), wey, or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK quart = 9.21E-07 acre foot, 30.82 bath (Israeli bath), .24593923 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .25000002 Canadian gallon, 1,136.52 cc (cubic centimeters), .00031356 cord (of wood), .02866824 ephah (Israeli ephah), .03335972 firkin, 9.61 noggin, .00714851 petroleum barrel, .00238284 pipe, 51.24 pony, .00040136 register ton, .20015833 rehoboam, .04389437 Roman amphora, .00403147 seam, .03124994 UK bushel (British bushel), .09238077 vedro (Russian vedro), .00080629 wey, .06982267 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba). |
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