Conversion Result:
British pint = 5.6826128524935E-04 meter^3
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK pint" to bath (Israeli bath), Canadian gallon, cord (of wood), dram fluid (fluid dram), dry gallon, dry pint, firkin, hekat (Israeli hekat), kilderkin, minim, noggin, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), salmanazar, stere, strike, tea cup, tun (English tun), UK gallon (British gallon), vedro (Russian vedro), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK pint = .01457464 amphora (Greek amphora), .01612589 bushel (dry bushel), .00125425 cord foot (of wood), .5160284 dry quart, .15011875 gallon, .00238284 hogshead, .00833993 kilderkin, .56826129 liter, .00039119 load, .3002375 magnum, .03002375 nebuchadnezzar, .06450355 peck (dry peck), .00357426 petroleum barrel, .10007917 rehoboam, .05478786 tou (Chinese tou), .01562497 UK bushel (British bushel), 20 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), .06249988 UK peck (British peck), .04619038 vedro (Russian vedro), .75000031 wine bottle. |
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