Conversion Result:
British fluid ounce =
2.84130642624675E-05 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK oz fluid" to board foot, Canadian gallon, dry gallon, dry pint, dry quart, freight ton, gallon, gill, hekat (Israeli hekat), hogshead, jigger, kilderkin, load, minim, nebuchadnezzar, pipe, salmanazar, tun (English tun), UK quart (British quart), wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK oz fluid = .00023828 barrel, .01204077 board foot, .00000784 cord (of wood), .120095 cup, 947.1 drop, .00024573 dry barrel, .24019 gill, .00595832 hekat (Israeli hekat), .64050667 jigger, .02841306 liter, .00150119 nebuchadnezzar, .24019 noggin, .00017871 petroleum barrel, .00500396 rehoboam, .00010079 seam, .00040315 strike, 5.76 teaspoon, .00002979 tun (English tun), .00002016 wey, .03750002 wine bottle. |
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