Conversion Result:
British fluid ounce =
2.84130642624675E-05 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK oz fluid" to cord (of wood), displacement ton, drop, firkin, freight ton, gallon, gill, jeroboam, kilderkin, methuselah, oz fluid (fluid ounce), peck (dry peck), petroleum barrel, pipe, quart (fluid quart), register ton, rehoboam, tablespoon, teaspoon, UK quart (British quart), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK oz fluid = 2.30E-08 acre foot, 2.30E-08 acre-foot, 28.41 cc (cubic centimeters), 7.69 dram fluid (fluid dram), .00024573 dry barrel, .00645036 dry gallon, .02580142 dry quart, .00750594 gallon, .00938242 jeroboam, .000417 kilderkin, .00001008 last, .00150119 nebuchadnezzar, .00226082 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), .00716706 omer (Israeli omer), .00322518 peck (dry peck), .00005957 pipe, .00001003 register ton, .00500396 rehoboam, .00312499 UK peck (British peck), .00230952 vedro (Russian vedro). |
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