Conversion Result:
British fluid ounce =
2.84130642624675E-05 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK oz fluid" to barrel, bath (Israeli bath), board foot, cord (of wood), cup, drop, dry barrel, gill, koku (Japanese koku), load, noggin, register ton, rehoboam, sack, salmanazar, seam, timber foot, tun (English tun), UK peck (British peck), UK quart (British quart), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK oz fluid = 2.30E-08 acre foot, .00187648 balthazar, .00020157 coomb, .120095 cup, 947.1 drop, .05160284 dry pint, .00750594 gallon, .24019 gill, .00011914 hogshead, .000417 kilderkin, .00015769 koku (Japanese koku), .96076 oz fluid (fluid ounce), 1.28 pony, .00109736 Roman amphora, .00250198 salmanazar, .00010079 seam, .00002841 stere, .16012667 tea cup, .025 UK quart (British quart), .00174557 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba). |
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