Conversion Result:
British bushel = 0.03636879435904 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "UK bushel" to amphora (Greek amphora), balthazar, beer gallon (English beer gallon), bushel (dry bushel), cc (cubic centimeters), cup, dram fluid (fluid dram), firkin, hekat (Israeli hekat), jeroboam, last, nebuchadnezzar, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), pint (fluid pint), pony, seam, timber foot, tun (English tun), UK peck (British peck), vedro (Russian vedro), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
UK bushel = .00002948 acre-foot, .93277855 amphora (Greek amphora), .03669577 displacement ton, 9,838.2 dram fluid (fluid dram), 8.26 dry gallon, 66.05 dry pint, 33.03 dry quart, .91738565 ephah (Israeli ephah), 1.07 firkin, 7.63 hekat (Israeli hekat), 36.37 liter, 4.8 methuselah, 4.13 peck (dry peck), .22875283 petroleum barrel, .07625094 pipe, .34401962 sack, .03636879 stere, .51602943 strike, 2,459.55 tablespoon, 7,378.65 teaspoon. |
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