Conversion Result:
Canadian gallon = 0.00454609 meter^3
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "Canadian gallon" to barrel, beer gallon (English beer gallon), board foot, cord (of wood), cord foot (of wood), dry pint, fifth, gallon, hekat (Israeli hekat), hogshead, jeroboam, noggin, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), petroleum barrel, rehoboam, sack, tou (Chinese tou), UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), UK quart (British quart), vedro (Russian vedro), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
Canadian gallon = 19.22 cup, .03931681 dry barrel, 8.26 dry pint, .11467297 ephah (Israeli ephah), .13343888 firkin, .00401359 freight ton, 38.43 gill, .95333138 hekat (Israeli hekat), 1.5 jeroboam, 2.4 magnum, .36173191 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), 153.72 oz fluid (fluid ounce), .02859405 petroleum barrel, .00953135 pipe, .17557747 Roman amphora, .04300236 sack, .12499974 UK bushel (British bushel), .36952305 vedro (Russian vedro), .27929068 wine arroba (Spanish wine arroba), 6 wine bottle. |
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