Conversion Result:
Andorran peseta on 4-28-2017 =
0 United States dollar on 4-28-2017
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "ADP" to ATS (Austrian schilling on 4-28-2017), BTN (Bhutanese ngultrum on 4-28-2017), COP (Colombian peso on 4-28-2017), DEM (German mark on 4-28-2017), DJF (Djiboutian franc on 4-28-2017), EUR (European Union euro on 4-28-2017), FKP (Falkland pound on 4-28-2017), HKD (Hong Kong dollar on 4-28-2017), HNL (Honduran lempira on 4-28-2017), JMD (Jamaican dollar on 4-28-2017), LKR (Sri Lankan rupee on 4-28-2017), MXN (Mexican peso on 4-28-2017), NAD (Namibian dollar on 4-28-2017), NLG (Netherlands guilder on 4-28-2017), NOK (Norwegian krone on 4-28-2017), SGD (Singapore dollar on 4-28-2017), SZL (Swazi lilangeni on 4-28-2017), TND (Tunisian dinar on 4-28-2017), TWD (Taiwanese new dollar on 4-28-2017), XCD (East Caribbean dollar on 4-28-2017), or any combination of units which equate to "currency" and represent currency. |
Sample Conversions:
ADP = 0.00E+00 ATS (Austrian schilling on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 BEF (Belgian franc on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 BTN (Bhutanese ngultrum on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 CAD (Canadian dollar on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 COP (Colombian peso on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 DJF (Djiboutian franc on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 DKK (Danish krone on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 GIP (Gibraltar pound on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 HKD (Hong Kong dollar on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 HNL (Honduran lempira on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 HUF (Hungarian forint on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 ITL (Italian lira on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 MMK (Burmese kyat on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 NAD (Namibian dollar on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 NOK (Norwegian krone on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 PTE (Portuguese escudo on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 SZL (Swazi lilangeni on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 TND (Tunisian dinar on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 TWD (Taiwanese new dollar on 4-28-2017), 0.00E+00 XCD (East Caribbean dollar on 4-28-2017). |
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