Conversion Result:
5 kilometer = 5000 meter
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "5 kilometers" to angstrom, cable length, cloth quarter, en (typography en), engineers chain, fathom, French, furlong (surveyors furlong), gradus (Roman gradus), inch, li (Chinese li), mile, nautical league, naval shot, parasang, pica (typography pica), skein, span (cloth span), survey foot, vara (Mexican vara), or any combination of units which equate to "length" and represent depth, fl head, height, length, wavelength, or width. |
Sample Conversions:
5 kilometers = 140.93 actus (Roman actus), .11289448 arpentcan, 85.51 arpentlin, 590,551.18 barleycorn, 22.78 cable length, 43,744.53 cloth finger, 16,404.2 foot, 6,750.7 gradus (Roman gradus), 10,804.08 Greek cubit, 7.76 li (Chinese li), 24,854.85 link (surveyors link), 182.27 naval shot, 6,561.68 pace, 1.62E-13 parsec, 994.19 rod (surveyors rod), 11,248.59 Roman cubit, 45.57 skein, .37972684 spindle, 27.07 stadium (Roman stadium), 4.69 verst (Russian verst). |
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