Conversion Result:
10 cup = 2.365882365 liter
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "10 cups" to Canadian gallon, dry barrel, dry gallon, dry quart, ephah (Israeli ephah), firkin, freight ton, last, liter, magnum, methuselah, noggin, oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), pint (fluid pint), Roman amphora, stere, strike, timber foot, tun (English tun), UK pint (British pint), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
10 cups = .15625 balthazar, 64.17 bath (Israeli bath), .51196809 beer gallon (English beer gallon), .01126477 chetvert (Russian chetvert), .00065274 cord (of wood), .0052219 cord foot (of wood), 78,862.75 drop, .05967826 ephah (Israeli ephah), 3.13 fifth, .625 gallon, .78125 jeroboam, .00083923 last, .3125 methuselah, .18825301 oil arroba (Spanish oil arroba), .59678264 omer (Israeli omer), .41666667 rehoboam, .03356902 strike, 160 tablespoon, .19230769 vedro (Russian vedro), 3.12 wine bottle. |
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