Conversion Result:
0.2 gallon = 0.0007570823568 volume
Related Measurements:
Try converting from ".2 gallons" to acre-foot, amphora (Greek amphora), bushel (dry bushel), cup, dram fluid (fluid dram), dry pint, firkin, hekat (Israeli hekat), jigger, koku (Japanese koku), load, magnum, minim, nebuchadnezzar, pint (fluid pint), pony, Roman amphora, salmanazar, tun (English tun), UK pint (British pint), or any combination of units which equate to "length cubed" and represent capacity, section modulus, static moment of area, or volume. |
Sample Conversions:
.2 gallons = 6.14E-07 acre-foot, .02148418 bushel (dry bushel), 3.2 cup, 1.37 dry pint, .02222222 firkin, .0006684 freight ton, .2 gallon, .15876289 hekat (Israeli hekat), .25 jeroboam, .4 magnum, .19097045 omer (Israeli omer), 34.13 pony, .06666667 salmanazar, .00268552 seam, 153.6 teaspoon, .02673611 timber foot, .0729927 tou (Chinese tou), 26.65 UK oz fluid (British fluid ounce), .06153846 vedro (Russian vedro), .0005371 wey. |
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