Conversion Result:
survey foot = 0.304800609601219 meter (length) |
Related Measurements: Try converting from "survey foot" to actus (Roman actus), archin (Russian archin), arpentcan, caliber (gun barrel caliber), fathom, French, gradus (Roman gradus), Greek cubit, Greek palm, Greek span, hand, ken (Japanese ken), light yr (light year), mile, nail (cloth nail), pace, parsec, pica (typography pica), Roman foot, shaku (Japanese shaku), or any combination of units which equate to "length" and represent depth, fl head, height, length, wavelength, or width. |
Sample Conversions: survey foot = .42857229 archin (Russian archin), 2.04E-12 astronomical unit, .00333334 city block (informal), 2.67 cloth finger, 1.33 cloth quarter, .01000002 engineers chain, .166667 fathom, 304,800,609,601,219 fermi, 1 foot, .00333334 football field, .41152346 gradus (Roman gradus), 3 hand, .30480061 m (meter), 9.88E-18 parsec, 1.03 Roman foot, .00277778 skein, .00333334 soccer field, 1.33 span (cloth span), .00164655 stadia (Greek stadia), .00165017 stadium (Roman stadium). |
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