Introduction: You can now use world
currencies/exchange rates within the measurement conversion
calculator! World currencies can be combined with any other
measurement units. For example, you can convert 1.5
fluid ounces per United States dollar to milliliters per European Union euro
or 1.6
United States dollars per gallon to British pounds per liter. This
is useful for comparing current economic data from different countries.
Entering Currencies: World currencies can be
entered using any of the following:
ISO 3-letter currency code:
USD for United
States dollars, EUR
for European Union euro, etc. See the Currency
List for a complete list of currencies and their associated
Codes. Note: Currency codes should usually be entered in all
capital letters, since some of the codes have alternate meanings
when entered in small letters. You can enter currency codes in
small letters, but if the conversion result does not include the
currency, try entering the currency code in all capital letters.
Full name of country and currency:
States dollar, European
Union euro, etc.
Issuing country or entity name:
United States,
Union, etc.
Rates Current As Of: The exchange rates used by
the measurement conversion calculator are the same rates as those used by
our currency conversion pages. Rates are
updated weekdays (Monday through Friday) at around 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time
(5:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. GMT, depending upon whether Standard or Daylight
Savings Time is currently in effect in the United States). The result
of the measurement conversion will show when each of the exchange rates was
last updated.
Performing Comparisons: You can use fractions
to perform some kinds of comparisons. For example, if gasoline costs
25 US dollars for 17 gallons, then what is the cost in British pounds
sterling per liter? Answer: Convert 25/17
USD/gallon to GBP/liter.