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Measurement Converter

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Examples: 5 kilometers, 12 feet/sec^2,
1/5 gallon
, 9.5 Joules, or 0 dF.
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Examples: miles, meters/s^2,
, kilowatt*hours, or dC.
Conversion Result:
mile = 63360 inch
Related Measurements:
Try converting from "mile" to agate (typography agate), archin (Russian archin), bolt (of cloth), bottom measure, cloth quarter, digitus (Roman digitus), fathom, finger, furlong (surveyors furlong), gradus (Roman gradus), league, nail (cloth nail), nautical league, nautical mile, naval shot, point (typography point), sazhen (Russian sazhen), shaku (Japanese shaku), soccer field, sun (Japanese sun), or any combination of units which equate to "length" and represent depth, fl head, height, length, wavelength, or width.
Sample Conversions:
mile = 887,040 agate (typography agate), 1.08E-08 astronomical unit, 2,534,400 bottom measure, 17.6 city block (informal), 14,080 cloth finger, 9,158,054.49 en (typography en), 17.6 football field, 869.37 Greek fathom, 20,864.98 Greek palm, 15,840 hand, 2.5 li (Chinese li), .03814064 marathon, 2,112 pace, 5.22E-14 parsec, 320 rod (surveyors rod), 3,620.57 Roman cubit, 1.09 Roman mile, 7,040 span (cloth span), .999998 UK mile (British mile), 1,920.58 vara (Mexican vara).

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